Geronimo Stilton
"The Peculiar Pumpkin Thief"Hello, my mouse friends! My name is Geronimo Stilton. I run a newspaper but really, I'm telling the children about my crazy and funny adventures. Anyways, I will carry on about my Halloween adventure, that was about the thief stole all pumpkin, games and more I was surprised that only happened, Me and my favourite nephew, Benjamin went to the Halloween store called "Trick For Tails". This is most popular party store in New Mouse. So we can throw a party in my house for Halloween for few days. After we greeted to Paws Prankster, but you should know Paws may owner of Halloween store, but he always loves to test out his new pranks on unsuspecting customers and of course Paws also tried test his new prank ring. When he asked me, "like my new ring?" he giggled, waving his paw in my face, I took a closer look and a stream of water squirted me in the snout! Then I said it in surprise "Cheese niblets!"
"Got ya!" Paws guffawed.
"Look at this, Uncle" pointing to a humongous orange pumpkin it's quite impressive, but why did someone leave a banana peel on top of the pumpkin? How ODD! And Benjamin tried a lots of scary costumes, they were all so SPOOKY that we can't decide, so I decided that I would come back in a day. When were about leave the store, I felt someone or something tug on my TAIL. I turned around, but there were no one there, how STRANGE! So I took another step. Again I felt a tug on my tail. I turned around quick, but no one was there, how WEIRD! Finally, a pumpkin started move and suddenly a furry gray snout popped out of the pumpkin. "Like my little joke, Stilton?" the mouse giggled it's him, Hercule Poirat, the famous detective, I should have known, because he loves to joke and always eating bananas "Stilton, I could really use your help fo-" But I cut him off, because I had a Halloween party to plan! So we left before he could stop me. The next day I went to Trick For Tails to buy the giant jack-o-lantern, and a few other scary decoration to surprise Benjamin. but suddenly, Paws yelled and sobbed "I was robbed!" "They took everything!"
I took looked around this time, Paws wasn't pulling my paw, then I heard other mouse chatting "Did you hear that robbers were also stole Rat quthorlyt, Better cheddar and Beyon, and Profssor preciousfur's priceless antiques." I was confused how can the robbers steal everything, look like someone wanted to ruin Halloween party, but...... Whoooo? Whooo? WHO?
See you in my next Blog! = Front of picture book..